0: The string: 'Click here to accept these settings.'
1: The string: 'Click here if you've gone out of your mind.'
2: The string: ''
3: The string: ''
4: The string: 'Click here to use a 12 point font in the terminal window.'
5: The string: 'Click here to use a 9 point font in the terminal window.'
6: The string: ''
7: The string: 'Enter your custom terminal width here.'
8: The string: 'Click here to use your custom terminal width.'
9: The string: 'Click here to set the terminal width to 132 characters.'
10: The string: 'Click here to set the terminal width to 80 characters, a relatively standard setting.'
11: The string: ''
12: The string: 'Enter your custom terminal height here.'
13: The string: 'Click here to use your custom terminal height.'
14: The string: 'Click here to set the terminal height to 25 characters.'
15: The string: 'Click here to set the terminal height to 24 characters, a relatively standard setting.'
16: The string: ''
17: The string: 'Click here to default to an amber screen. Useful for UNIX based hosts.'
18: The string: 'Click here to force a paper white background. Useful for Macintosh based hosts.'
19: The string: 'Click here to default to a rather soft grey screen. Useful for PC/DOS based hosts.'
20: The string: ''
21: The string: 'Check this box to send a carriage return and a linefeed every time you hit enter.
A technical point, actually I add a linfeed to every carriage return.'
22: The string: 'Check this box and I'll strip all the received characters down to size. You probably need this if your terminal looks like this ®åˆ˜´ ß†ø®µ.'
23: The string: 'Check this box to make your terminal look wierd.'
24: The string: 'Check this box if you can't see what you're typing.'
25: The string: 'Check this box if you get a lot of screens that only have one line in them.'
26: The string: 'Check this box to really slow things down, looks cool though.'
27: The string: 'Use this menu to select what sort of keyboard you want.'
28: The string: 'Check this box to lock the keyboard in terminal mode.
Useful if you are using the terminal to monitor a Network Element or something.'
29: The string: 'Check this box to accept a keyboard definition fromt he host. Actually, I think I ignore it anyway.'
30: The string: 'Check this box if you want the terminal to identify itself as whatever I think the host is expecting to find.
Useful if you can't be bothered working it out for yourself, included because you may want to work it out for yourself.'
31: The string: 'Use this menu to select how you want the teminal to identify itself.'
32: The string: 'Check this box to switch the definitions for the Delete key.'
33: The string: 'Check this box if you prefer a block cursor (the default is underline).'
34: The string: 'Check this box if you want ^S and ^Q to be sent on to the host.
Warning, this may interfere with the Serial Driver.'